Are you interesting in becoming a better baker? Learn more about the basics of baking and then some tips for tougher recipes.

Break Lunchtime Boredom With Kaiser Roll Creations To Satisfy Any Appetite

6 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Are you burnt out from eating the same old lunchtime sandwiches every day? Whether you are bringing a bagged lunch to the office or eating at home, lunchtime boredom is a common problem. Fortunately, it does not have to be that way when you invite Kaiser roll creations to your lunchtime table. Cold deli-style sandwiches Are you tired of the same old sandwiches made with white bread or wheat bread from the store? Read More …

About Me
Fantastic In Flour: Baking Secrets And Stories

Hi! This is Anna. I LOVE baking. In fact, I've had flour in my hands (and on my face) since I was big enough to hold a rolling pin. I remember being so little that I had to stand on a chair to reach the counter but I was still in there baking with my mom. Everything I know I learned from her, and when she passed away a few years ago, I decided it was time to share that knowledge with everyone else. This site is dedicated to sharing the secrets I've learned about baking . . . from my mom's kitchen straight to yours!
